That's My World Tuesday ~ December 23

These photos were taken in last Wednesday. The first photo was taken (last) at Beechworth and the other photos were taken at Yackandandah. I was so taken with Yackandandah, Victoria. It has changed so much. I don't know if I wasn't taking much notice last time we were there or not.

They even had an atm, and we enjoyed our salad rolls. The shop with alternative things was a secondhand shop once. It was interesting for the girls. I liked the secondhand shop as well though.

When I was a little girl I stayed for about a week in Yackandandah. While I was in Wangaratta I noticed that the main park that is a garden has two Cedars of Lebanon. I didn't know this before. In the town we live in now, they have several. The ones in the park had underplantings, including Angel Trumpets.


Anonymous said…
I really enjoy learning about other worlds especially those that are not well known to others but the locals. Thanks.
Linda: what a neat looking little town. It looks like they are set up to sell their trades.
Unknown said…
What a wonderfully named and unique place to tour, very nice. Merry Christmas.
Joolz said…
Ah, you've got to love some of our Aussie place names - Yackandandah!
Nearby we have Tantanoola & Kalangadoo. I also love Coonabarabran. I could go on!

Have a lovely Christmas!

Cheers - Joolz
redzlan said…
Nice pictures,
Lovely town.
Happy Holidays!
magiceye said…
laid back world.. so peaceful....
Pok Dell said…
From the photo, I concluded that a people in this town are leave in peace and harmony..

Merry X'mas
flmom said…
Sending wishes to you and your family for a very Merry Christmas!!!
Anonymous said…
Lovely town, and perfect for a visit this time of year. Happy Holidays!
Lakshmi said…
I like such towns..and its quite peaceful in thereo
Linda said…
Thanks for the lovely comments and Christmas wishes!
Oman said…
very enjoyable trip. anyways, have a blessed christmas to you and your love ones... from my islands to yours.

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