Has your heart found it’s way home?

Gathering At the Well

The discussion question for last Monday was:

Has your heart found it’s way home? Do you have a story you could share about how you have found complete fulfillment in your biblical purpose? How would you encourage other women in their scriptural calling as outlined in Titus 2?

I feel I would like to finish last week's assignment before the next one comes out. All of Michelle's post was relevant to my post, I feel like copying the whole thing and then adding the similarities or whatever to my life. I got to this paragraph though and thought I would quote it. I thought it was a good point for me to be reminded of.

"I was created a woman, which in and of itself is a unique and beautiful creation. I was created to be a perfect help meet to my husband. I was created for him, not him for me. If I did nothing, and I mean nothing else but care for, encourage and help him become who God created him to be, then according to God, I was successful!"

and this:

"I want to hear ‘Well done, My good and faithful servant, enter into your Master’s joy!' I don’t want to hear, ‘Well, you did many good things, you served at church, led bible studies, you fulfilled all your desires, but you missed it. I sent you a man to love and cherish and precious eternal souls in your children to nurture, train and teach them of Me, but you were too busy.’"

I have been a stay at home Mum since I was 20. I had worked for 2 years as a typist/receptionist, for a research station. What did they research? Tobacco. I was in my element. It may be a different cultural thing in Australia, and mostly it wasn't burley tobacco, it was picked leaf by leaf. I had also worked at a small grocery store until the owner's son wanted to work there himself. I also worked in a University Bookroom. I didn't stay there, I came back home to the country. It was a lovely environment though, baroque music floating around the Law School.

I remember thinking about applying for a receptionist job at a motel maybe when the first few children were little. A former teacher of mine tried to talk me into getting an Accounting degree at TAFE. So, nothing really interested me that much so I haven't been working since.

I got interesting in genealogy and wrote a book, but when I came to deciding if I wanted to persure that further or have my third child, I decided on the third child. The decision for the fourth child I was worried about mess, but really wanted a sister for my daughter. I found a lady with two or each and she was my inspiration. Yes, nurses out there don't say it.

Then the last I thought for two years, I felt it wasn't the done thing, but I went ahead and had my fifth child.

Like the post At the Well, I was very efficient in the early days. I had a 60s routine happening, though the bottlefeeding thing went out the window and demand feeding was in. All very natural. I had the morning routine with my twin tub washing machine. Things dried very well in our climate. Sometimes I put things out at night, and I washed nappies. Our meals were all slow cooked and very nice. (I must add I wouldn't go back to that diet every night.) Then after the second baby and second step-child, I think the stress, one night I put my head in the cupboard to get something and didn't feel well, and my cooking meals has taken a back seat from that day.

I was good with everything else, except maybe I got a little behind washing socks. For some reason I got them sorted into a bucket that seemed to be always full. The boys did help out. But our weekends were free and we enjoyed them, as much as a blended family can.

I was thinking back on the helpmeet part of it. I have in the past, up until recently done a lot to make sure my husband is the best he can be. The house, and not moving into it, has perhaps put things into limbo. However, I still mostly put my things on the backburner, or backseat if my husband needs to do something for work. We try to work out a compromise, but still his work must still come first. He sort of draws a line though because he thinks they may end up with him there 24/7.


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