Where I'm From

A writing exercise by George Ella Lyon found here, and tagged from A Haven For Vee. Special interest is Lee Kernaghan's Where I Come From.

I am from pegs,
from bottles with roses on the top for sprinkling sunbaked cottons
and ironing

I am from lattice and flower beds with annuals
a little Australian terrier and a chop bone on the green lawn

I am from the forsythia bush
the Dutch elm, if that is what they are called
also the other pink bush, and others whose names I have learned but forget

The daphne, the wet clay, the rain and the water rushing past

I'm from the chocolate Quik, WeatHarts, & lecithin
No cakes & biscuits that I can remember unless we went to Nana's
I'm from square raspberry iceblocks in icecream cones from Grandma
From "the wind might change",
the Baptistism as an infant
the school RI

I'm from the W's
tripe and hot lunches
The sore backs, the gold tooth

Under my bed was clean & shiny
the gumboots were outside,
I slept under a cloud of chenille.


Vee said…
Oh I love it! This exercise is so good for allowing us to get to the very essence of ourselves, don't you think? Thanks for giving it a whirl!

Oh, are you wondering how I found you? :D
Linda said…
Yes, I enjoyed it. Thanks Vee. Thank you very much for your visit.

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