A little Christmas fun

I accidently tagged myself again. This time by reading over at The 160 acre woods. Here is Amydeanne's post. You know, some of these questions are not related to Christmas necessarily.

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?

I am a Milo or Aktivite girl. OK I'll be an Aussie and mention beer. But, no I don't drink it. I can take or leave the wine Mum gives me as well. Maybe if I was an English gentleman I would enjoy a port. I haven't had one for years, I'll say a shandy. Do you have shandys for Christmas, I have no idea.

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?

Our ideal is wrap. Sometimes things have gone wrong, maybe a corporate problem. You know, no time to put the tree up, things like that have happened.

3. Colored light on house/tree or white?

This year white.

4. Do you hang mistletoe?

Not sure Australian mistletoe is the same. But not that I remember. Mistletoe here grows in gumtrees or eucalypts.

5. When do you put your decorations up?

Mostly after my seven year olds birthday or when we have the time.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?

Holiday and Christmas doesn't go together here, especially in the country, think vacation. My favourite Christmas dish? Whatever my Nana used to make. Or Mum perhaps.

The other day I was reading an Australian answer to Recipe Box Swap holiday edition and they had White Christmas, well Rum Balls are another I think. Love Rum Balls.

7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?

My favourite Christmas memory was the concert at school, something to do with the plays.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?

I have been thinking about this, and I have two theories now. I did wonder about those Santas at the concert. People used to guess who it was, maybe.

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?

We have had to do this since moving here. Once or twice.

10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?

I don't any more. My two small girls did it this year.

11. Snow. Love it or dread it?

Again, not directly related to Christmas except on cards here, occasionally it will snow, and it has been. I love it, but not around the house I don't think. The last time it happened was when I was six, and I'm sure I enjoyed that though.

12. Can you ice skate?

At first I was going to say no. But yes, we had a skating rink in the town we lived in after our family left the farm. Do you remember how to skate if you haven't done it for awhile?

13. Do you remember your favorite gift?

Probably my sewing box.

14. What is the most important thing about the holidays for you?

At this time of year, usually that question gets a negative response. Nothing? Come on Linda, think. I'm not breathing properly lately, so maybe that is stopping good thinking. I haven't been as impressed with the town decorations etc. this year. I think maybe I am enjoying the little girls and what their thoughts have been.

15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?

Plum pudding and custard. However, my favourite dessert altogether is trifle, and some people have that for Christmas, I didn't know.

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?

My favourite Christmas tradition. Well there is so much that happens here. The kids art folders come home from school, as it is the end of the year, so many special things happen. It is a bit overwhelming perhaps. Think, think, think, to quote Pooh. Maybe that is the answer, watch the Piglet movie? I do have some lovely old Pooh TV shows when Rabbit was green and they all wore lovely sweaters for Christmas. This is why this meme is good for focussing the mind for Christmas. My son wants to take the girls looking at the lights on the houses. Last year there was a full moon as well. This year it is pretty at the moment, the moon. I'm not sure.

Edited to say: fruit mince pie and a cup of tea, maybe shortbread or putting the talking Santa on the door.

17. What tops your Christmas tree?

A star, I bought a new one.

18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving?

I give more than I receive, but I don't know. That makes me lean more on the side of receiving. It is so hard to get to shops displaying fun things, though here is fun too, when I have popped my head in. I do have some fun chocolates to give out later.

19. What is your favorite Christmas song?

Bing Crosby, that I have realised since making the tape above is done well by Chris Isaak. Maybe Little Drummer Boy.

20. Candy Canes. Yum or Yuck?

I am alergic to the cheap ones, red and green colouring.

21. What do you want for Christmas?

We decided if we were giving Christmas presents to ourselves, hubby and I would like to buy ourselves a sandwich press. Either that or a toasty maker. Any definite preferences anybody. We are thinking maybe Turkish bread may be warmed easier in it than the oven. Haven't thought about it properly yet. Our toasty maker was hubby's Grandma's. She decluttered often, didn't want to leave a mess for others when she passed away. Yes, she has gone now.

22. Do you attend an annual Christmas party.

If you mean an adult party not related to kids activities, no.

23. Do you dress up for Christmas Eve or wear PJ’s?

Don't understand the question. Sometimes on Christmas Eve I think I watch Carols by Candlelight, the Melbourne version on TV.

24. Do you own a Santa hat?

Lots, technically, but you wouldn't catch me wearing one.

25. Who do you normally spend Christmas with?

My husband and my kids, maybe my Mum and step-Dad. Last year it was four kids, hubby and in the evening some friends.

Tag 5 people

The Simple Things
The Old Dairy
Cathy's Capers
and Tilly Tatas


flmom said…
No chance of it snowing here either at Christmas (or any other time of the year). LOL
The Old Dairy said…
Thanks for the tag (I think) I am going to have to rack my brain to answer those questions, will get to it soon......
Tilly said…
Hi Linda, yes I'll do the tag, will prob take me a week or so as I'm in the middle of a Christmas blog swap and so that will be my next post.(And I promise to blog (soon)the lovely award you gave me!)

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