Green Cleaning

My family are really enthusiastic about a new show on TV that has now finished for the moment on Austar called Lush House. It features Shannon Lush and she often comes along to the home with a home cleaning kit full of things that don't hurt the environment. My daughter has tried out two of her ideas by herself, our middle daughter, aged 12.

Here are some things I found:

Shannon Lush's home cleaning kit. The videos, you can click from the top bar of this page. Cleaning the bath using everyday things was demonstrated here, I thought it was fantastic.

Do I remember by Grandma's using Green Cleaners? No. But I don't remember them having a lot of cleaning products either. My husband said one of his grandma's made her own soap.

My family used a lot of things like sand soap for cleaning hands, and a special soap for stain removal.

If I wanted to know how to do anything I would check anything Shannon Lush has done first. I wondered if she had a book, and it is called Spotless. Taking her advice we have bought some oil of cloves from epharmacy online, there is a discussion about using it on tiles on the internet, but really I would trust anything Shannon says. I suppose I am biased for cloves, I love the smell. There is also a book called Save.

I have always loved a wool wash called just that wool wash. Originally housewives made their own, and probably guys as well? Is it considered green? I am not sure. From memory I think Eucalpytus oil is good for dust mites, which I think is the reason I buy Euca to wash my clothes with. Apparently it is grey water safe, which I didn't know. But we did use the wash water with Euca in it to water our plants during the big recent drought with no ill effects on the flowers.

For cleaning my hair I use Organic Instinct. I would recommend it. I once researched shampoo made with a herb we grow called Soapwort. I haven't tried it though. It is a very pretty flower, and still grows with little water. Here is the recipe I found.

Our Soapwort

I have in the past used vanilla in the fridge, but unsure how I did it. I think you just clean the fridge with normal water you use for washing dishes, then wipe out with vanilla?

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Crunchie's Mum said…
I still wipe out the fridge with vanilla, my mother used to do it and I've continued the practice. I simply add a little bit of vanilla to a bowl of warm water and use that to clean the fridge. If there is a spill I clean that up first then use the vanilla.


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