Thankful Thursday

Friday my girls went to Youth Group which I am pleased about. They had a great time, and came home with a program and sound excited about a special night coming up soon.
This week the jays have been singing, and lots of other birds as well. They come down out of the mountains when it is snowing there. Jays are like Australian magpies like Maggie in Bananas in Pyjamas, except bigger with less white on them, and strong looking beaks.
On the weekend I got my rue planted. The punnet was full of tiny little plants, so if they grow we will know all about rue by the end of our summer.
On Monday I saw a gorgeous rainbow. I was in the middle of picking up my daughter from ballet, and also hubby was taking the cat to the vet with our other daughters. So many people saw the rainbow. I haven't seen one for ages, so it was a blessing to be thankful for. I was able to do some writing and I enjoyed that.
Tuesday saw our cat looking so much better. He is his old self again so that is very nice to see. I really enjoyed reading a book I had picked up from the library on Monday.
Tuesday and Wednesday were beautiful sunny days preceeded by sharp frosts. It was so nice to see the sun and the sunsets again. Now the stars are out.
I was happy hubby found a switch so we could reheat our water if we wanted to. I have been having trouble with the temperature of the water when I go to have a shower.
I was thankful that when hubby and our second son went to pick up the last available wood on the farm, that they were able to fill the trailer right up and will be able to come back again for some more.
Our daughter had good weather for netball (Aussie basketball of sorts).
Our son had a lovely day at the snow. He lost the camera and was able to find it again. He went to a ski resort, it is a low key one, I suppose it is still a resort.
Our lounge was cleaned up and hubby went to our new house and cut the lino for our kitchen. He was very nervous about doing it, so I am glad he has made a start.
We had a 5.30am phone call from our eldest who had trouble with his plumbing. Later on he was very cheerful. I am so glad he was able to clean up the horrible mess at that hour, I felt so sorry for him. The problem was fixed and the people obviously very nice to him. He had cleaned a spot for a new lounge suite so no damage done. He lives in a very nice area, but the building is pleasantly vintage.
An ambulance silently sped along our road in the dark and wet while hubby was walking to the library. I am glad he was not in the way of it.
Our daughter had a very big trip with her ballet class. They had to drive on a bus 1 1/2 hours to a rehearsal in the regional centre after school. She got home at 11pm but was well and happy. She had organised what she wanted to take for a packed tea, and snacks. We had made some chili con carne and she had asked me to buy some burritos. Also they did two lots of baking and managed to save some to take.
I was able to do some baking, albeit a microwave chocolate cake. I tried it with two measurements but it was pretty much the same both times. I thought maybe the recipe wasn't metric. In the photo I didn't mix the first one in the right sequence. The second recipe, the metric one was better because it fit the cup better. Anyway, it was nice and filling. The second one looked more like the one on the net. So this is the modified version for Aussies, though you may prefer the original.
Five Minute Chocolate Cake
3 tablespoons Self-Raising Flour
3 tablespoons raw sugar or white sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
2 tabs plus 1 teaspoon milk
2 tabs plus 1 teaspoon oil
1 mug.
Mix flour, sugar and cocoa in mug. Add egg with fork. Pour in milk and oil and mix.
Microwave for 3 minutes on high. Wait until it stops rising and sets in the mug. Tip onto a plate and eat, maybe with cream. I cut ours in half lengthwise, but maybe it is better to let it cool by itself to keep it moist.
That was quite a week wasn't it.
Theres never a dull moment when children are around no matter how old they are lol
I must say that little cake sounds interesting - I may have to try it. How big was the mug you used?
Take care
That mug holds 350ml.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a fabulous day!