Thankful Thursday ~ August 28
Last week I spoke of illness in our house. As you know I have five children, though one lives in the city far away from the town's bugs. On Thursday I had one child come home from school at lunchtime. I think it was middle daughter. She seems quite well now, though coughs sometimes. It is mostly when she gets cold air in her lungs I expect.
I was well then and make a cake for a stall. It is probably the first one I have done, I am not sure. It was then I decided I am not such a "good old stick" after all lol. What I am trying to say I was brought up in the country, but I can't remember Mum baking for fundraisers, though where we lived was not run of the mill country. I don't think I am cut out for it either. However, I am blessed the cake didn't get stuck on the bottom or go brown on the top as it had when I tried making the 5 cup cake earlier. (I am not saying I can't bake a cake lol.)
On Friday my blessings were a bag of dim sims in the freezer that I had forgotten about.
These are my blessings on Saturday:
~ having lovely weather for our gardening day
~ being warm enough for the girls to be outside as some have been sick for 3-4 days
~ thinking up a design for the rose garden so I didn't hold up the work
~ that the insulation helped our house and next winter things should be as they should
~ seeing the cape gooseberry seeds that we hope to plant tomorrow or in two weeks
~ seeing the big mountain and four large hills in a row next to it with snow on them
~ seeing some kangaroos eating grass to the side of the row, like paddock animals which is unusual, I suppose the grass was especially nice
~ having salami toasties for lunch, and a nice risotto for tea
~ seeing the wattle fully out at last
~ having my neat front garden to come home to
~ a clean vaccumed car for dh
~ hearing that one of my parcels is coming soon
~ beautiful Golden Circle raspberry cordial
~ nice music on the radio, entertaining
I was happy to hear that my son was able to get a table he likes for the price he wanted. My table will be able to come home.
Wednesday hubby was able to water our roses, which is great as not sure we will be able to water them on the weekend.
The timing of everything this week was really good. We decided that our daughter shouldn't go on a school trip to Melbourne. She was meant to leave today. Today I have been quite sick so it was probably better that she didn't go. It is windy and cool in Melbourne this time of year.
I haven't had to pick up my daughter at school because she hasn't been there. That is fantastic because my car is still in the workshop. I was too sick to be out in the cold. I remember it taking about this long one time hubby fixed one of our cars. Had no idea they could be in the workshop for this long as well. The mechanic said we caught it early so no major damage done.
It turns out I won't be grocery shopping this week. But that is another week, and another story.
Have a blessed weekend with the kangaroos! (Loved that part!)
Have a blessed weekend!