Jelly Cake Heaven

I came out into the kitchen to be greeted by this jelly ball! What is it you say? Left over jelly and coconut from my son's first attempt at making jelly cakes.

He has been wanting to make them for a week or so, and I got out my Nana's recipe. He wasn't overly impressed so I printed up the best one I have found on the net so far by Kylie Kwong, called Mum's Jelly Cakes. Hubby and son says to check the jelly around 25 minutes. Hubby says he can remember making them, I think maybe I saw Nana making them once, but usually she made lamingtons. I was pleased I had a packet of the right coloured jelly, I was worried for a moment.

Please let me know of your jelly cake making experiences.

I begged to taste one with my cup of tea and it was absolutely gorgeous. Not much cake, the cake wasn't very tall. Apparently the cakes have been saved in the fridge for our eldest daughter's birthday in two days. I thought that was lovely, especially since they are a gorgeous shade of pink, and there are three girls in the family. So on party day, I will have to have one less!

My Nana used Simplicity Chocolate Cake without the chocolate for the lamingtons. It is in imperial measurements which I think means a cup is a china tea cup.

Simplicity Chocolate Cake

3 tab butter or margarine
1 cup sugar
2 level tabs cocoa
1/2 cup milk
1 cup Self Raising Flour
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon almond or vanilla.

Melt the butter. Pull all other ingredients into a large basin and pour the melted butter on top of them. Beat really hard for 3 (8?) minutes. Pour the mixture into a prepared tin and bake in moderate oven. Be careful not to overcook. Time will depend on size and shape of tin.


Make simplicity chocolate cake without using the cocoa.

Lamington Icing:

1 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon butter
1 cup hot water

Place in saucepan and bring to boil. Thicken with 1 dessertspoon custard powder (Bird's if you are in the US) and 1 dessertspoon cocoa. Boil 5 minutes.

Cut cake into squares and dip into icing. Sprinkle with coconut.

Apparently there was a mishap and the jelly cakes and ball were made with Port Wine flavour. That is why it is so pink! No wonder I liked it. I don't think it tasted un-jellycake like. I love port wine flavour, it reminds me of trifle.


Oh Linda, the Jelly Cakes look lovely & fun for kids to make, too ! I have never heard of them before but am off now to look at Kylie Kwong's recipe - we get her cooking programme on one of our satellite channels here in Africa from time to time & I like her style of cooking.
Bye for now
Lynda, Kilimanjaro, East Africa
Hi Linda, those jelly cakes sound very interesting. I love the color too. That is awesome that a male cooked them. I love home made lamingtons, my nana used to make them too. If I buy bought lamingtons I buy the ones with jam in the middle I love jam filled items.. thankyou for stopping by my blog, I will check yours out too. Have a great night.
those look really good, and reasonably simple to make.

JGH said…
Here we have something similar looking called Snowball cakes that you can buy in the convenience store for about 50 cents each. I bet these taste MUCH better.

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