Thankful Thursday ~ 11th September


Two of my children had a good time at the school social. One fell on some spilt Coke and got a bruised knee. I am thankful that that was the only injury.


Hubby bought some wood. The school had a day off. We had wanted to buy the wood some time ago, but initially I I think, got confused about getting it to our other house. Then other things happened to compound it. It is great because it is going under the floor and will make such a big difference to the house.

The kids made one dough ball for pizza and shared it. The two girls cooked their half.

We think we got the last load of wood for the season for the heater. It has still been frosty apparently.


My computer wasn't as it was Friday, but hubby was able to rectify things for me. Our tulips came out. It was a miracle I think. We were moving and took the bulbs up. They were in a pot in the back of the new house, inside. We halved them up and for some reason have just as many tulips as before, I think a complete ring, and they flowered!! So they are here as usual, and hopefully going well there as well.

Hubby and second son did some gardening there and we got the final rose planted. They are shooting, though here in the mountains much slower than everywhere else I think.


The girls had some nice mugs with hankies and chocolate and homemade comfectionery to give their Dad, which we think if a fantastic present. It was Father's Day here in Australia. The mugs are an important part of our life we like a certain sized one and needed some. It also had a comb in each. Hubby did have to work, but I am sure he is grateful to get the work done. Though I am sure he would have liked to have watched his favourite AFL team play.

Our daughter was invited out. It was great because they travelled to the regional centre. She was able to buy herself an MP3 player. They came over at one point with a video of our daughter with a helmet on being swooped on her friends bike by a magpie. (Think Maggie on Bananas in Pyjamas.) For some reason the magpies here are not doing anything at our end of town near our house. They had fun watching the video.


I had a rest to help get better. I have had a good supply of books. I picked in the washing and enjoyed my dog's company. He was asleep under the clothes line. We have a small osmanthus outside the front door that gives a lovely spring smell when we go outside.


I got things written on the calendar that I have to remember and other things like that done. I had a good chat to a parent there, well small but nice chat, when I went to pick up our middle daughter. We were unsure about the recipe we wanted to use, but it turned out very nice. We did change it to be more like our own paella. It was Jambalaya. Hubby likes to fry the rice first.


Our dog was taken by hubby to be put down. I am thankful to God for giving him to us. I won't talk about him yet, maybe another day. I am thankful that the day was just at the moment I felt better from my flu or virus as it made me feel not my usual self. Also I am thankful it wasn't shopping day as it is a big day for me. You may remember he had cancer and yesterday the vet said he only had a week before he had to be put down. Yesterday he went downhill suddenly after speaking with her. I think that is how it goes, it is all a fuzz. He wasn't well this morning. It feels strange that the native birds are still singing away and he isn't there. I am OK, slightly shocked I suppose, I will go and lie down and read for half an hour.

I am also thankful that I got some organising done today.


Anonymous said…
My heart goes out to you. I know what it's like to lose a beloved dog. Hugs to you.

love, Tina xx
Hill upon Hill said…
I am sorry to hear about your loss. I will think of you as you come through the next stage of missing him.
Tilly said…
So sorry to hear about your dog. The same happened to my cat. He was poorly and suddenly went downhill. I was thankful that the vet could kindly help him on his way so he didn't have to suffer. You will be in my thoughts.
Cheryl said…
I am sorry to hear about your dog. I lost mine this year also. God Bless~
bp said…
Sorry about your loss. It is good you are still able to find things to be thankful for today. God bless you.
DeniseinVA said…
I am so very sorry you lost your dog. Ours went in much the same way. You'll be very much in my thoughts.
Denise said…
Sorry for the loss of your beloved pet.
Anonymous said…
God bless you, tina. sorry to hear about your dog.
i said…
Sorry to hear about your loss. Hugs to you.
Thinking of you through this time of hurt. You can still be thankfull in this time so I know that our Lord is comforting you.

Mary said…
It's difficult to lose a pet...they become such a part of the family. You need some extra hugs. :) Blessings.
Debra Kaye said…
((hugs)) So sorry but love that you can remember to be thankful in the midst of your heartache.

May the Lord bless you this beautiful Thursday.
Melanie said…
So sorry about your dog... we know how difficult it is to lose such a special family member. They really do give unconditional love and are always a happy face around the house!
flmom said…
Big (((((HUGS))))) to you and your family. I am so sorry for the loss of your fur friend. We went through the same thing just a year ago. They never leave our hearts.....
The dB family said…
So sorry to hear about the loss of your dear dog. We lost ours the same way two years ago this month. It's a tough time, but it does get easier again. We still miss him...
Tania said…
Hi Linda, So sorry to hear about your dear dog. I had to make the same decision last Christmas and have my little girl, Pippy put down because of cancer. She was 13.
Each day your loss will get easier. Pets are a part of our lives and it's like losing a family member.
Thinking of you and sending best wishes your way.
Linda said…
Thank you all for your interesting and thoughtful and caring comments.

I realised last night that I have had a dog in my yard for 39 years of my life. Amazing isn't it? He was probably the nicest, though we loved the other two we had, I suppose he is more fresh in our mind, and I loved my childhood dog.

Tania I think our dog was about the same age.

I have been talking about things relating to the dog here at home, and I notice the other family members are still sensitive, so I will have to say just things they can handle well or wait a few days.
eph2810 said…
I am so sorry to read that your dog had to be put down. It is hard to do...I am glad though that you are feeling a little better.
Cool that you were able to transplant your plants to the new home.

Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.

Be blessed today and always...

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