At the well ~ October 20

This week's At the Well is hosted by Natalie at I Am (not).
Our home is an extension of who we are. How does your home reflect who you are?
I found an article about this subject at Christian Mommies called The Simplicity of Simplifying by Susie Cortright who starts by saying:
"They say your home is a reflection of you - of what's really going on inside. If that's the case, I'm a mess from the '70s in bad need of a facelift."
Well, this is my house, not a '70s number. The style of it does reflect my heritage though in a grander way. I lived in a similar styled house when I was little, only a smaller version more flat on the ground. And I love the chimney. I just wish the stove was still in it.
I found an article How To: Reflect you personal values in your home
My home wouldn't necessarily reflect who I am right now I don't think. In many ways I don't know if I will go back to doing the things I did in the past or not. I certainly think I may some day, but often it hasn't happened or I do it occasionally. So I guess I am like someone you may find on Your Life On The Lawn or the American equivalent and the British Life's Laundry.
I have discussed these issues with hubby, but it is complicated then.
Like the puppy. Had I actually moved past having a dog like that in the backyard? Well, I have one again now so I don't know.
So I guess the home reflects a bit of everyone. Once my son talked me into buying a bigger TV, is is really small by modern standards, but if it was up to me I would have still had my portable. Often those in the same house know what is better for you than you do, thankfully.
We have a painting, or print with a older style large frame on it. It was something my husband had prior to our marriage. It reflects my heritage on the farm with sheep on it, I think it is by Roberts. It probably doesn't reflect who I am now, because it is still painful for me that I don't spend days in a sheep pen, though I would probably last 5 minutes in there in the dust in reality. But I know no one would want to throw it out, so it stays.
My new house has another Australian painting in it, an old one. It is called The Cricketers by Russell Drysdale. Apparently my children saw an inexpensive match to this painting at an op-shop with their Nana. She didn't believe that I would want it, and the girls knew I would love it, but it stayed there. Yes, the paintings have more chimneys in them. My Nana had a chimney where you could see who was coming down the path through the little squares on glass at the back of the stove.
My new-to-me house has those panes of glass, though it doesn't look out onto the verandah anymore.
One of the reasons I chose my new house is the paint colours on the walls. My favourite rooms there are the orange lounge and the red bedroom. There are also some purple accents. We have never painted the whole interior of a house before, so I appreciated the effort the previous owner had gone to. There is also some orange feature walls in my current house.
I took a test on the Taubmans website and I liked Dessert Spice at the time.
Your home furniture a reflection of your personality
A very challenging topic.
Today I was at ballet. I had such a great time, and it reminded me of the lessons I have learnt from the years I have been doing ballet. It is really a discipline. A discipline that could be applied to this topic. It really inspired me. I am tired, yes. But I will try and see if I can rise to the challenge.