Our Gardening

This is the garden at our current house. We inherited it and I must say, after moving in I found it such a delight. I wrote a little about that garden and that time in this previous post. Hubby has been busy weeding so we can get some mulch down. He has the mulch in the trailer out the front ready to go. It is a shame his good shovel and wheelbarrow are at the other house. It makes it a little more difficult. We get our mulch free from the tip. It is shredded eucalyptus and is fairly clean I think.

You can see what remains of our middle daughter's winter vegetable garden at the back near the winter buddliea that we like to train on sticks, whether completely successful or not. The weeds are still under the maple, but it is still nice to see the lovely maple leaves. The garden was dog free for a grand total of six days before we got the puppy! Amazingly he found the exact same spot to hide his bones as our dear Mousse.

The osmanthus birkwoodi hedge is our addition, they were a gift to us. The windows and the house need painting, but so does our other house. I have decided not to think about it too much. We are getting there slowly.

You can see from this photo that hubby has been mulching with his bucket of mulch, and now he is mowing the lawn. We are getting ready for school again tomorrow.


flmom said…
The edging around your flower bed is fantastic! I've never seen one done that way. I'll definitely be keeping that in mind when we are able to do some flower beds here.
The Old Dairy said…
Just been catching up on your week-end...The garden is beautiful, all the colours and green grass.
Sounds like the day you went to the dentist was a big day, but enjoyable.
You talk about your other house? how long have you been where you are?
Have a great day..

p.s. My girls say Miley Cyrus is a christian as well...
Linda said…
We have been here 5 years in January. We bought a cheap house last year with the view of owning it outright, but it isn't ready to move into, and it am thinking about it very carefully after a snake got in it. I know I am a country bred girl, but I think I am getting weak! Hopefully we will get lots done in the next 6 months. Maybe I can buy the screen doors I have been wanting to make sure the doors are always closed!

The other house grows plants very well, so we would not want to say goodbye to all that space and lovely soil etc.!
Hill upon Hill said…
How beautiful. Aren't dogs clever. Are you enjoying the challenge of working on a garden at the new house?
Linda said…
I would have to say that I was. I like plants etc.

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