Skywatch Friday ~ October 3

How would you like this stacked at your house? It is worth a few thousand dollars apparently. The flowers are cape weed.


Tilly said…
I'd love to have that, but I don't think I'd have room for it! We have a tiny woodburner and it eats wood faster than I can eat a 'cream tea'!
Perfect one for Skywatch! I truly enjoyed viewing SWF shots every friday... Happy Skywatch! Hope you can visit my SWF entry too...
great photo, the flower doesn't look like a weed!!

Gill in Canada
Linda said…
I love it actually, great for daisy chains. I am going to how the few plants out of my new house's lawn though.
The dB family said…
Sometimes I am just a little slow. I keep forgetting how you live on the opposite side of the world. I am always amazed at how your posts are already up for the next day already. Duh! It is the next day for you.

All that wood would be great if we actually had a fireplace. We're getting into the time of year where we'd be using it too. It was barely 19C in the house this morning when we got up. I will have to turn on the furnace soon I think.
Linda said…
I post at 11.59 mostly so when the day changes the post is there for the early risers, and a celebration of the new day.

We are at plus 10 which means it is midday Friday here, your comment came into my mailbox 10 minutes ago.

I know Skywatch comes in about 7am here, so it was posted then. Some memes come in around 1pm which is great for me, others much later.
Now that's a load of wood!
I like a big woodpile but I would have to make a lot of barbecues!
Great SW picture. Have a happy weekend.

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