Iris Colours

I posted a photo about my favourite iris recently. Tania talked about iris colours in the comments. So I thought I would show some of the iris colours I have had. Of course these are my current ones. Originally I had the blue or purple and white, plain purple, and that's it I think, maybe yellow.

In my first house what we had together, when I moved in, my husband had just previously made a front garden bed with soil from a dam I think. He put an edge around and put in the iris and some citrus. In the end for whatever reason it didn't grow things very well. That is why we appreciate the soil etc. of our new house. One clump of iris is so big now after one year of being there. I wanted hubby to take a photo of the clump, but he likes more specimen photos. Maybe he thinks that is what I want, we always speak to each other in such a rush.

So, these are not the best photos of our new house but give you an idea of iris colours. I would love to hear about yours if you have any.

Please excuse the plumbing at our house, we have to wait for the town sewerage and then perhaps have the plumber back. We got him to do lots, but not the storm water as yet.

I loved how the irises in the box were shades of purple/red because I wanted that colour to match the yellow and green of our house at the time. Sort like the colour wheel thing. Our new house is more yellow orange, so I can have blue again, if I follow that pattern I was doing last time.


flmom said…
They are all beautiful! I think the first one is my favorite. I was immediately drawn to its richness.
What beautiful colours ! Thanks for sharing those photo's with us ...
The dB family said…
Oh, they are SO beautiful!! I was digging in my iris bed this afternoon as it is full of grass. Ugh! Hopefully I will get a little more digging done before the snow flies.
Linda said…
I think my MIL organised a catalogue from an iris company in Gippsland a few years ago. I haven't bought any but someone may be interested to know there is such a place.
Tania said…
Thanks for posting these lovely pictures Linda, I would be interested in getting some of these, I might go to the local garden centre and ask them if they know where I can get some.

Heart Felt said…
I love the iris, your ones are stunning! xx

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