Simple Woman's Daybook
FOR TODAY Thursday...
Outside My Window... lots of birds this morning. Apparently there was a lovely bush bird outside the staff room at school yesterday or the day before.
I am thinking... I hope I have everything ready for the ballet concert tomorrow.
I am thankful for... the lovely class that my daughter is in next year. Here Year 7's change schools to High School. The little feeder schools join in. She has girls from her ballet class in her form. It is not Thanksgiving here today, enjoy your day tomorrow.
From the kitchen... something frozen. I have extra frozen food from my Christmas hamper. I didn't enjoy the frozen pizzas that much last night, but they were OK.
I am wearing... a windcheater/sweater, it is not warm in here yet. Cotton polyester I think. My best jeans and a mid weight top underneath.
I am creating... decluttering I hope
I am going... to watch our daughters' ballet concert, I have only seen part of it at rehearsals
I am reading... nothing, I hope to read the last of Emilie Richards series, the one I skipped accidently, Endless Chain.
I am hoping... hubby can figure out if there are two stores in Mill Park/South Morang for Spotlight, the website is unclear. I hope if there is a new bigger store in South Morang he can find it, well it is easy, the other one could be a challenge, but at least I know it is there. Hubby took all afternoon yesterday driving to a conference.
I am hearing... my son watching TV
Around the house... I have that birthday present wrapped. I got my council vote posted away.
One of my favorite things... my little girl's paper doll she brought home from school. It has her name on the front. It has the meaning of her name on the back. She had told me about it earlier on in the year. The RI or Religious Instruction teacher (I think they call it something different now?) said her name Amelia meant Work Of The Lord, which made her very happy, as it did me. Amelia is usually "hard working".
Once a similar thing happened to her older sister. Her name in German meant the same as Hilda my Great Grandmother. That was unexpected as it was unintentional and a very modern name, Hayley. Maybe it was just a close approximation.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: two ballet nights. Enjoying that festive looking sky. Yes, even though it is a summer the sky seems festive at this time of year. It has been beautiful, maybe because it had rained. I am looking forward to the tinsel going up on the trees. I saw a flowering gum starting to come out at school yesterday and a red bottle brush and they made me happy. There is a similar flowering gum photo in my sidebar.
Here is picture thought I am sharing... this shows that now we can get around the garden bed and go wherever we like without stepping on a snake. It was holding up more building work, but we thought it was worth it. We even got some grass to strike. Also you can see the weeding, we could use spray but we are kind of old-fashioned. It is not related to the festive sky I was talking about.

Here is the Simple Woman's Daybook site where you will find the sentences and the lastest blog posts to visit.
Outside My Window... lots of birds this morning. Apparently there was a lovely bush bird outside the staff room at school yesterday or the day before.
I am thinking... I hope I have everything ready for the ballet concert tomorrow.
I am thankful for... the lovely class that my daughter is in next year. Here Year 7's change schools to High School. The little feeder schools join in. She has girls from her ballet class in her form. It is not Thanksgiving here today, enjoy your day tomorrow.
From the kitchen... something frozen. I have extra frozen food from my Christmas hamper. I didn't enjoy the frozen pizzas that much last night, but they were OK.
I am wearing... a windcheater/sweater, it is not warm in here yet. Cotton polyester I think. My best jeans and a mid weight top underneath.
I am creating... decluttering I hope
I am going... to watch our daughters' ballet concert, I have only seen part of it at rehearsals
I am reading... nothing, I hope to read the last of Emilie Richards series, the one I skipped accidently, Endless Chain.
I am hoping... hubby can figure out if there are two stores in Mill Park/South Morang for Spotlight, the website is unclear. I hope if there is a new bigger store in South Morang he can find it, well it is easy, the other one could be a challenge, but at least I know it is there. Hubby took all afternoon yesterday driving to a conference.
I am hearing... my son watching TV
Around the house... I have that birthday present wrapped. I got my council vote posted away.
One of my favorite things... my little girl's paper doll she brought home from school. It has her name on the front. It has the meaning of her name on the back. She had told me about it earlier on in the year. The RI or Religious Instruction teacher (I think they call it something different now?) said her name Amelia meant Work Of The Lord, which made her very happy, as it did me. Amelia is usually "hard working".
Once a similar thing happened to her older sister. Her name in German meant the same as Hilda my Great Grandmother. That was unexpected as it was unintentional and a very modern name, Hayley. Maybe it was just a close approximation.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: two ballet nights. Enjoying that festive looking sky. Yes, even though it is a summer the sky seems festive at this time of year. It has been beautiful, maybe because it had rained. I am looking forward to the tinsel going up on the trees. I saw a flowering gum starting to come out at school yesterday and a red bottle brush and they made me happy. There is a similar flowering gum photo in my sidebar.
Here is picture thought I am sharing... this shows that now we can get around the garden bed and go wherever we like without stepping on a snake. It was holding up more building work, but we thought it was worth it. We even got some grass to strike. Also you can see the weeding, we could use spray but we are kind of old-fashioned. It is not related to the festive sky I was talking about.

Here is the Simple Woman's Daybook site where you will find the sentences and the lastest blog posts to visit.
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Thanks for your comments.
It has cooled down a little here. Much nicer.