Thru My Eyes Tuesday

Today has been an interesting battle with the weather.

My husband washed some clothes and hung them up this morning. From memory he had taken middle daughter and she lead the dog for a walk. He will be officially old enough in February to be taken for regular walks and he seems to have the hang of it now. Daughter could manage him well I suppose the choker chain helps because the dog is not too strong for my husband to walk.

The dog was on the chain, daughter said he looked hot. He had tipped out his water. I took the longer things off the line and left the socks which were not quite dry. We let him off the chain.

Then while I was blogging I heard rain and went outside to get the socks. It quickly after I came in became heavy with hail mixed in with it. It turned out after awhile to be largish but not too large.

I was picking in the washing in hot bright sunlight, but at one point it made such a difference to be under a cloud. After I came in from looking at the hail I found my computer place hot to sit in when previously it seemed fine. The dog was eating some.

It is starting to warm up outside now at 2pm, so I closed all the windows again. My daughter came home wet from the shops, she had fun splashing in the drain outside our house.

My picture from this month (I think middle daughter took it): We found out we are allowed to water the lawn after all, so we have been doing that. I think the dog is showing the eye that wasn't very good when we bought him, it turned out I think to be congenital, but it has been stitched almost good as new. I'm glad the camera is borrowed, I think the photos turn out a little red.

Here is the link for today's meme at Gail's blog Doodles of Life.


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