Feeling a bit flat?
Spare a thought for our little garden visitor.

He is a baby blue-tongued lizard that the dog has been barking at, I think it started yesterday. He was behind some salvia and a few other plants. The puppy kept jumping back and barking a lot. I think he has himself flattened out on my husband's hand. This is one of the many things we enjoy about our treechange/seachange experience. He has been removed from the area with the dog. Edited to say here is one we had in the garden another time.

He is a baby blue-tongued lizard that the dog has been barking at, I think it started yesterday. He was behind some salvia and a few other plants. The puppy kept jumping back and barking a lot. I think he has himself flattened out on my husband's hand. This is one of the many things we enjoy about our treechange/seachange experience. He has been removed from the area with the dog. Edited to say here is one we had in the garden another time.

I cannot bring myself to touch them.
Mind you the on;y one we had visit ever was like Crocodile proportions...Lol!
Good sign of a healthy garden though...
By the way, you sent me an award last week and I still have to forward it on, I am not really great at chain things so I will have to see who will get it and I prob. won't make it to the requested 8. I'm probably breaching blog netiquette but I don't have that many blogs I follow yet!
The first time I saw one was at the hotel in the village my Nana lived in, when I was little. We also had one in our first married house. Then I didn't see any for years. Blue-tongues live in this town under shops!
I put in a link to a picture of a larger one that dh found when he weeded the front yard. It was under some grass that was covering some concrete.
Lately an English tourist came to buy something in a local shop. He had boots on as he was scared he would see a snake while in Australia. The lizard apparently came into the shop! The man thought it was a snake.
A few years ago we saw one with a leg that was damaged, but he was quite happy, and we have seen sightings of him around town, well one sighting at least. He was in a pipe in the backyard and our old dog didn't bother him/her.
I think with awards you do your best without pushing too hard and that seems acceptable.
We also have some lizards here that come out in the summer. One day, when he was about 5, BigD decided to pick it up...it was just a baby...it turned on his finger and bit him!! And it wouldn't let go!! It had such a tiny mouth, trying to get it off and laughing at the same time he was crying....wish I had it on video!!
"Blue-tongued skinks are the genus Tiliqua, which contains some of the largest members of the skink family (Scincidae). They are commonly called blue-tongued lizards in Australia, where true lizards (Lacertidae) do not naturally occur. As suggested by these common names, its distinguishing characteristic is a blue tongue."