Today's Flowers ~ All Things Red

Walking around the garden today to get the flowers, I also had an unexpected surprise. It was having a feast in the cotoneaster. This is our day at the new house. However we have to go home until the weekend. Maybe by next weekend things will have improved and we can stay in our own beds which have been moved. We are ringing the septic tank people tomorrow, it didn't improve. Our phone is working at home again.


Sarah Lulu said…
Red flowers in Autumn how lovely.
The first flower looks like the salvia I just got at the markets this morning....It's beatuiful...
Cathy said…
Hello Linda
A Crimson Rosella - lucky you:)
They are a lovely bird to look at, did you see its mate as well?
Take care
DeniseinVA said…
Lovely photos, of flowers and that beautiful bird. Thank you for sharing them in Today's Flowers.
Scrappy quilter said…
Beautiful pictures. What a awesome bird.
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Hannah @ http://preparingforourchildrensfuture.blogspot
JGH said…
I think I would faint if I went out in my garden and saw an exotic bird like that! What a cool surprise!
Michele said…
Geeze, that bird is absolutely beautiful! I don't see such brightly colored birds around here, just grays and blacks and browns and on occasional blue... a pretty post!
Sandra said…
So beautiful!
Joolz said…
Hi Linda

Thanks for sharing your 'red' take on things. Very nice,

Cheers - Joolz
Linda said…
The mate was not quite as game. The flower is pineapple sage, it smells lovely when you rub your fingers on the leaves.
Linda said…
For the future: I will check it out when I can, my internet time is cut down this week.
Linda said…
Thank your for the invitation, it is an honor.

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