Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather in my neck of the woods:
Today is it supposed to be 5 oC - 12 o C (54 oF). Not a warm day, but it is warm in the house already, which is the main thing.
One of my simple pleasures:
Hearing my family's voices. I have been noticing how nice it is after not hearing them if I go somewhere, can't remember the exact details
On my bedside table:
Lots and lots of books. I managed to take three back, and in the middle of one.
On my TV:
Australian Idol, I missed half last night, my daughter watched Little Mermaid III, some of Idol was a bit much
On the menu for tonight:
That is a good question. Waiting on the fruit delivery. I think it will be something with mince, or hamburger. I'd say chilli.
On my To Do list:
Apply for university accommodation for my son for next year in case he gets a course in those places, and to finalise plans for a trip to Melbourne for my daughter, we are going to a briefing about her trip
New Recipe I tried last week:
Not sure if it was last week or the week before: Warm Sausage Potato Salad
In the craft basket:
I need to try on some pants, well my daughter does. Mum wants to take them in and up, two pairs. Her wardrobe for her trip to Malaysia, I'm not as confident about as I was before, I may need to buy her some new shorts? Will know more later I guess.
Looking forward to:
Having loose ends tied up, like tax getting done, jobs like that
Homemaking Tip for this week:
I picked out what I thought was a very pretty towel from the linen press. It turned out to be one of those colorful nappies, than hadn't been overly used. Anyone wondering if they should stick to plain, if they are still going to be in good condition (ie not used by 1 1/2 babies continuously) they turn out to be more useful for repurposing later. It is a gorgeous lemon colour.
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
The Kitchen and Dining Room of Graceland (in honor of anniversary of Elvis' Death August 16), which in turn gave me the idea for the post I did about Elvis
What do you get... from Daily Pleasures
What are your character qualities? at Green Thumb Mama
Favorite photo from last week:

Lesson learned the past few days:
Don't expect a plover to not run out on the road during breeding season.
On my Prayer List:
probably myself
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
I particularly liked the four types of love in this sermon below, and also what the speaker said about bad manners quoting Adam Clark's strong statement. Verse 5. The meaning of boorish here.
Agape Love
comments about unseemliness
Love is not rude
This meme is from Sandra's blog.
sounds like a good meme..
I ♥ your weather :)
thanks for stopping by.
♥ & ((hugs))
Have a great day!