My day in strange pictures

As you can see I took the long way home from the regional centre today. I left around 9am with my two youngest daughters, aged 7 and 12. My 12 year old daughter is our photographer for today!
My youngest had a school dentist appointment, what 140km away? Anyway it takes 1 1/2 hours. The dentist was very kind about it, and didn't find any holes and had some good advice.
Off to lunch at McDonalds. Tried a Angus burger. Hadn't heard of it, anyway I was game. Mine looked like the last two burgers on this page. I detected one leaf of rocket.
Tonight us country bumpkins had a discussion about that particular McDonalds. No angloCelts to be seen there, perhaps mostly Indians. Our hometown is 3/4 hour on the other side of the regional centre, we think things have perhaps changed in the nearly 7 years we have been gone.
Then off to a larger Coles than the one I went to last time I was down there, perhaps a month ago. Much bigger and much more meat, I always get excited about that. Bought so much, had to take the other road to drop it off at our freezer at the new house. There is nearly an hour of scenery that I think hasn't changed since 1950 something, except the road is nicely surfaced and lined, perhaps wider and flatter. It is the type of road where my poor concentration today had me worried, all the time mostly except the first bit near the "city" and after our "new" house.
The highlight of the drive was the colors of the sky, grass and rocks and the lovely amount of water in the lake and in the river. For those downstream, sorry, they are not letting much out yet. The lake was shiney. My tiredness overriden some of the time, if not most by listening to Adam Brand's Good Friends album and Taylor Swift as my daughter asked to play it. Good Friends and You Are To Me are just beautiful.
It was very cold when we left, fog still coming off the paddocks. Made mistake again, and got overhot and thirsty.
What kind of meat did I buy. Turkey mince (not sure I have ever had it), lots of nice sausages as usual and other kinds of mince or hamburger and cheap chops! Can't stand the amount of packaging on the meat, I don't know how you guys in the civilised world (ie anywhere but here) can stand looking at it all the time. You know, 6 chops is not overly much to me.
That brings me to a story. My family owned a butcher shop when I was little. I loved the string and butcher paper etc. but that is unrelated.
What else. Checked out Target again for my eldest daughter who is going overseas. Noticed the city dressing section. My eldest's girlfriend wore a cute business skirt to his graduation this month in grey, hard to describe but I loved it, and those clothes were in Target so I was impressed, both with Target and ds' girlfriend.
Did this while killing time as I was early. It pays to be early as they didn't take eftpos at the dentist and I had to walk to the main building and pay before the appointment. Not much time to spare and lots of reasonably fast walking.
Didn't overspend at the supermarket, very tired, and a girl/lady sang Taylor Swift on Idol tonight. No I didn't have turkey for tea.
I enjoyed reading about the trip into town, the shopping, and the busy day. In the photos, it looks as if the weather is quite windy, or is it just the angle of the photo?
Have a good day!
Joyce it is some kind of distortion on my mobile phone. It doesn't happen all the time, I have forgotten what causes it, my husband knows though.