Weekend Memoirs

Our Weekend Memoirs

Here are the rules.

Our Weekend Memoirs (OWM) is a weekly meme where everyone shares their activities, trips, and interesting memories during the week.


Anyone who has a blog can join Our Weekend Memoirs (OWM). The most important thing is that we have fun and share our memories.

I want to tell you about our trip to the circus. It was pouring with rain. Not all the time, but still. Freezing cold. After the day before it was a little discouraging. But we packed our lunch, or the makings of a lunch, our raincoats. I asked earlier who would like to come, and I had two takers. I decided to go to the circus as our littlest hadn't been to one before. It would be easy to forget, I always made sure the others had experiences I wanted them to have. Last year I look littlest to the zoo. It was another experience the others had had and she hadn't.

She doesn't look very excited though. This photo was taken at the end, we have been deciding if she is blowing the fan or chewing it! I think though she had a good time. She said she liked the food? and the showbag, I think. I asked her this morning. Oh, and I think the elephants. The elephant looked like he was smiling when I was there. I have no idea if they were the same ones we used to visit in our hometown or if these are the replacements. Everytime we are near these or whichever two elephants we pay them a visit and take a photo. The last time was near our current house in about 2006 or thereabouts. Our little girl didn't get to go then, a cash flow problem. Our other daughter went and sat near her friends, a little embarrassing to admit.

The elephant looks like he? flaps his ears with my daughters jacket.

We were a little early, we had had our lunch, were the first there. I had to look for the best place to park as I didn't want to get bogged. It was so cold at our new house before we went there we were breathing fog. So we took a blanket and umbrella to the circus.

Later on my husband said when I mentioned getting bogged, did I drive it in 4x4. Duh! Something I will have to work on. I haven't lived in river flat country for years, not much mud happens here on the hillside on non clay soil, I'm getting spoilt.

Also we have gotten out of the way of having work boots and gumboots for the kids. In the end I felt silly, but not anymore. I had them for years and years, then went for fashion. Great, just don't expect to go to the circus in the mud! My middle daughter was disappointed I didn't take a photo of the camels.

Back home to the new house, to have a cup of tea, sit by the fire and dry out my socks.


Arlene said…
Hi Linda, welcome to OWM!

Nice photos from your side of the world. :) Thanks for sharing.

Mine is now up and i hope you can drop by.

Happy Monday eve!
Ebie said…
Hello, Linda, it sure looks a nice weather in Winter. I love your country setting and very fun to see that elephant imitate your daughter. Thanks for sharing.

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