Today's Flowers
My flowers have changed a little bit from last week. My bulb has come out more, and another gladioli has flowered. These are flowers from my other house, they grow very well there, especially since our dog isn't there. At our house though, my husband cleaned up the front garden ready for the Easter egg hunts of caramel eggs. In Australia we call the white flower an Easter daisy which of course is not it's proper name.
Today's Flowers blog.
Lovely to think of you having an Ester Egg hunt, I've never been involved in one at all.
Blessngs - Jan
I'll have to admit I had no idea what a treechanger was until I looked it up on a Google search! :-)
I have three other Aussie blogs I follow and find very interesting. I really admire yours, Cee Lew's and the Old Dairy's determination to reduce your carbon footprint on the earth--to reduce, reuse and be more frugal. Also, I am finding out through all these blogs that life down under is quite like ours here in the USA, but also quite different--and fascinating!
I'll be back!
Homestay Mama