Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY Tuesday...
Outside my window... it seems very quiet
I am thinking... about winter semester next week, have all the paperwork, I keep a copy to read about our son's course, he is going to be disecting kidneys, my part is to organise his lab manual for Tuesday
I am thankful for... all the lovely vegetarian recipes and how lovely they have turned out so we can keep our money in check, I keep a record of them here
I am wearing... I have shoes and socks on, windcheater, skivvy, jeans
I am remembering... that I read this morning that TARDIS is not a name but stands for Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space,
I am going... to pick up two novels from the library, maybe more if they have unpacked any for me. Dwelling Places by Vinita Hampton Wright and Winter Birds by Jamie L Turner. Have no idea if I will like them or not
I am reading... about transferable skills from being a parent and carer at home to the workplace here. If you are looking for a confidence boost visit this site. And also to work out if you are ready to go back to work here.
I am hoping... I get my own mouthwash, that the kids don't help themselves too, then deny it, this morning it was all frothy, but this time the story came forth
On my mind... not much but I have been reading about Adrianna's death, she was on TV and very popular, only 54?
Noticing that... I you don't like other people's deodorant wafting around the house, makes you feel awful, buy them Australias Vanilla Dream, it is lovely
Pondering these words... no quotes, have been pondering who my son's new girlfriend is, very confusing, sometimes Facebook is clear as mud. I have a suggestion, don't befriend an Italian with the same name and age as your friend, it could be his or her cousin! Send them a message!
From the kitchen... Spaghettini with Smashed Buttery Peas, but really I think it is a version of salted zucchini fried in butter over pasta with heaps of parmesan, one of my favourite things to eat, I think this one forgets about salting them down, but has grated ones instead
Around the house... a cat lazing on the bed with my son home from uni with his laptop, he won't get another holiday after winter semester
One of my favourite things... a warm shower, which I had this morning, but I had to wait a couple of hours, our meter is locked but it is on its own time, something reset it
From my picture journal... running out of pictures. This week is one of the busiest of the year for my husband, report writing week, I can use the camera now, but it needs constant recharging, and I haven't learnt to upload. This one is from the second last week collecting. Apparently the chain saw now needs some work done to it, we were lucky to get the wood we did. The mower is in a worst state, maybe we can save it from the scrapheap. They were mowing near dark and saw flames! It was wet outside, but it obviously has been overworked as it was secondhand to start with. Need to mow one lawn, it won't grow much after that. Too bad we hadn't done it already, but I'd say that is a stretch.
This meme from The Simple Woman's Daybook blog.