30 Days of Thanksgiving 2010

As you guys know I have not been keeping up with my Thankful Thursday posts. Gone but not forgotten in my mind. Last year you may remember I did 30 Days of Thanksgiving with others who read artist Karla Donacher's blog. She has lovely printable colouring pages over there.

You can see my posts here.

I am sorry I am starting late, I did think of it ages ago, but didn't find a site doing it this year until this morning. Hosting is Keepin' Up With The Tatums, the above graphic has the instruction post in it.

Blessings Day 1-9:

On Saturday my husband had the opportunity to go to a dinner party at a family's house that he has heard a lot about but never seen. We knew it was in a hard to get to place that overlooked our other house. We didn't guess where it was. How lucky are they to have wildflowers and kangaroos on their property. Though I think there are a few bloggers here that see kangaroos regularly. I think these people live off-grid.

Once a blogger commented that we have bloomed where we have been planted living here. I heard of a person who lives in similar circumstances to my boys, who is doing well, but differently to they are. It was nice to hear about it, to appreciate blessings, and for the encouragement for me to keep on trying.

I have kind of mentioned my blessings so far this November in my two daybook posts here and here and the picture with the rainbow in it, the closest I have ever been to the end of the rainbow.


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