Hearts for Home

Last week these were my goals:
1. Green Card
2. Driving Lessons
3. Keeping involved in my daughter's schooling
4. Keeping myself encouraged to keep going
I learnt something today about keeping on going. We were discussing pills today. Such a lot of pressure and sense to take them. So I said to someone who wasn't feeling themselves about it, they said what is the point, it is like drinking. Well said. I don't drink and that is the exact reason. Someone suggested some once to help me calm down or whatever, and that was it, I haven't had any since. Twice at Christmas but it was largely just sitting in the glass, me uninterested.
I was thinking pills could be some sort of civil rights violation really. But I understand it is much more complicated.
I have found out my son's exam timetable now I need to see if there is a day when they are doing the green/white card to see when he can go there and if I have the $100 by then. I don't think I will have the driving lessons by then, maybe I can put it in my bill book, it is more likely to be worked on.
This past week I asked my eldest daughter in advance if she would mind taking a driving lesson on Saturday and help her Dad move furniture and start painting the other house. This has been as issue for me because by the time I ask them they have made other plans. I haven't been able to go to the house with my husband much at all. Some this past Saturday she painted, had fun and they mananged to wash walls, shift furniture and have one coat of paint on.
The next day because less was needed to be done my husband got another coat on by himself, and could have had the first topcoat on except it was too humid to dry. Which was disappointing. However he got a door that cannot be replaced at the shop because of it's size a bit more fixed. We bought the house and parts of the house had been smashed, including this door. He had replaced panels, and this time put on beading and an oldfashioned door knob and lock. So it is nearly ready for painting after a bit more woodwork. (Edited to add if you want to see why white was suggested, there are real pictures of real Australian homes on a wedding forum and all the pics are white, here.)
Goals for this week:
1. I want to open a bank account for my little girl
2. I want to get a library card for her
3. I want to finally help her learn to ride her bike
4. I need to buy some more ezcema balm in case my other daughter's rash gets itchy, she hasn't had ezcema before, I have forgotten how to manage my ezcema because each year after moving here my ezcema got better and better and now I have none and my hands feel nice for the first time in memory
This meme is:
Gae says:
In today’s busy and aggressive society mothers at home are not given much encouragement to be committed to their role in being home.
In my weekly 'Hearts for Home' post I am encouraging myself and others to commit to thinking about what 4-6 things we can do each week to bring our thoughts, prayers and actions to keeping our 'Hearts for Home'.
I am praying that a spirit of gentleness, generosity in thoughts and time along with loveliness and grace would lead us to be all that God wants us to be.
I pray also that each person involved in 'Hearts for Home' would also pray for any others involved as well.
May you be blessed by this initiative. I pray it brings you and your family many blessings.
After visiting Gae I noticed that advent was mentioned. I also have a goal for my little girl to go to the church activity on Thursday (which happens to be my birthday and food shopping day) which traditionally is the Uniting Church's week (thereabouts) for Christmas Craft or Spotlight on Christmas. She has been going to Spotlight once a month but Christmas is special. They usually have a play, afternoon tea and some Christmas craft for the tree or something really special like that. I don't think I am making the big trip as I have done my bill schedule and I think my husband needs to baby the car along on that trip. It has a small petrol tank and we are not using LPG. The idea is to take the big trip, see if water goes into the fuel line on petrol/gas rather than LPG or liquid petroleum gas, which is a gas not a liquid. So I will be able to take her to craft, just need to remember. There is a big sign out the front.
I hope your painting goes well Linda - I love repainting and decorating rooms! One can of colour can make a huge difference to the look and feel of a space. God bless your plans for this week..Trish
I love the special activities you have planned for your little girl. So very important in her life.
I would love to have that spot light activity to sahre with our girls. It sounds so lovley.
I pray you are able to help your boys with their activities and you daughters driving progresses too.
Painting can be relaxing in good company I have found.
Enjoy your family this week
Many prayers and blessings
God Bless