Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY Wednesday...
Outside my window... it is dark but there was a lovely hot looking sunset, hot colours
I am thinking... about how happy Mr Blue Sky the song has made me, I think it is lovely when friends on facebook are so thoughtful, and bring back to life an era from their own perspective, or their modern thoughts on things they know
I am thankful for... that song seems very thankful. I am glad I put effort into my menu and fruit order today as I am ready for my new plan for tomorrow
I am wearing... my new jeans which I love, at the start they were uncomfortable they are a new material that stretches to your shape or something
I am remembering... to get the Easter eggs sorted, it is school holidays on Friday, so speed is necessary now. I am going tomorrow without anyone, while they are at school, my car won't be ready this week, which turned out blessed as my husband will be on holidays and picking it up won't interfere with his work
I am going... for a lovely drive to do the shopping
I am reading... I gave up on Carrie, so nothing atm, will have to work on it, thinking of getting a Women's Weekly
I am hoping... nothing, just being happy thanks to my fb friends
On my mind... "
Noticing that... I survived the daylight saving transition OK and the wood fire so far is comforting to have going
Pondering these words... my daughter gave me a big hug and asked for a new bible for Easter
From the kitchen... An Anzac biscuit (cookie) in the shape of Hi. My daughter wanted to make the actual biscuits, as they were designed for a shape they didn't move lol. They are balls
Around the house... the dragon costume taking shape
One of my favourite things... mini acorns smaller than these ones from a park I stop at sometimes
From my picture journal... acorns, my son sent me this photo on Tuesday
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