Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY Saturday...
Outside my window... tulips
I am thinking... I could look on facebook for fashion ideas, either that or buy a Woman's Weekly like I usually do
I am thankful for... being able to manage Christmas, I thought I wasn't going to be able to, presentwise
I am wearing... an old top, rust coloured, my jeans and shoes
I am remembering... that I got around a daily limit on my card by my husband trying the same account using his card
I am going... one more time to the regional centre to pick up a layby containing swimming togs, and choosing shoes and jewellery for my daughter's graduation and any other event she may like to go to
I am reading... Barbara Pym. I haven't started it yet, still
I am hoping... my middle daughter is enjoying her new banjo. My other daughter has had her mandolin a week and her fingers are numbing up from all the playing. Before that they were sore. The church people are supporting my girls with their instrument playing. I am so blessed. We live in an isolated area. Last night my middle daughter got picked up by a family to go to camp. They heard she was getting her banjo and she asked if we could drop it into camp on the way past
On my mind... how I didn't quite manage to get everything at once shopping today, but I think it has turned out well, will go one more time next week and get shoes, then again briefly in early December. It will be much hotter then, I like going before it is hot in the car parks
Noticing that... all the blossoms are gone, the trees have their summer leaves, but it doesn't feel like summer here
Pondering these words... different things Steve Jobs has been quoted as saying
From the kitchen... Beef & Bacon Burger with Dijonnaise
Around the house... my daughter's copper metallic graduation dress
One of my favourite things... the fact my middle daughter got a nice medal at the regional sports for long jump this week, there were three girls by the same name first, second and third
From my picture journal... my eldest daughter and her 18th birthday present her mandolin named Darren, meaning "present"
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