
Connie from Ash Lane Farm has tagged me. I know Grandma Connie as she is sometimes known by from Homesteadblogger as we both learnt how to blog there, well I did. Connie is an excellent blogger. She also lived in my area for 5 years, which is how long I have been here now, which I thought was interesting.

The rules of this Meme are:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Six random facts about me:

Thing no. 1: On cloudy slightly cold days I get depressed almost by default, but not enough to worry about as I live in the North East where it hardly happens. The weather I mean is like Melbourne weather. Grey. It is different in the winter. I have it worked out if it is around 22 degrees or over, maybe more I am OK. Make sense? If it is 21 or something, no good. Winter weather is fine, which is 18 and under I suppose. How do I make it clearer? I don't do cool. However at the moment it has advantages.

Thing no. 2: I never really thought about the family size I wanted in advance, just took one baby at a time.

Thing no. 3: Strawberries. I prefer chocolate icecream to strawberry, same with Nesquik or Quik, actually don't know if I could drink strawberry Nesquik. I prefer raspberry jam to strawberry. I leave the strawberry and other fruit fillings to last in a mixed box of chocolates. I like strawberries squashed on the side of the bowl with icecream, but I would like strawberry guavas just as much. Warm from the sun of course much better than bought strawberries from the fridge.

Thing no 4: I was telling my husband the other day (though he probably already knows) I don't think I would ever own a small car. I have had a 4 cylinder van, but I don't think I would drive a small car. I was saying my Nana mentioned to me after I bought my car that it wasn't a ladies car. My memories are getting vague but I am pretty sure she said that. What kind of car was it? It was a Kingswood, yellow with a nice 6 cylinder engine.

Thing no 5: Just to show I have some green bones in my body, we keep a large stack of newspapers, and we use them for things, though I think eventually we have to recycle some.

Thing no 6: I usually arrive at places on time or before time. Because I live close to things here I am often first because I allow the time I used to in my hometown and can't break myself of the habit. I used to allow 15 minutes, not sort of 10, but maybe 5 would be better?

Here is the last tag I did.

I am tagging:

The Simple Things

Notes From Daisy Mountain
The Old Dairy
Counting My Blessings
Food, Fun & Farm Life

I know some of you may be busy, so please don't rush on my account.


Thanks for tagging me I will get to it soon.

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